Christmas Recital Procedures

Hello Students and Families!
Our Christmas Recital is this Saturday, December 2nd at 2pm. Recitals can be a lot of fun when they start on time and keep moving. To help achieve this goal, please note the following details.
Be on time: Students are encouraged to arrive by 1:30 pm to get set up and ready to perform.
Be tuned: As soon as you arrive, get your instrument out and get it tuned. If you need a tuner, I'll be available to help you before the recital starts.
Be in place: All students will have seats in the front rows of the church building reserved with a program that has their name highlighted. Please sit here during the performance.
Be ready to play: Have your instrument and sheet music ready while you wait for the performer before you to play their song. As soon as the performer has finished playing, start walking up to the platform even if the audience is still applauding.
Be acknowledging: When you have finished performing your song, stand and bow to your audience before taking your sheet music and instrument back to your chair.
Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.
Elisha G. Rose