Holidays Upon Us
Hello Students and Families!
We're heading into a heavy Holiday Season in the next few months. Just a reminder that all major holidays are pre-calculated into the tuition. If you're lesson falls on one of our upcoming holiday breaks and you would like to reschedule, please contact me at your earliest convenience.
The ability to reschedule a lesson is always subject to the availability of open lesson times.
Here are some important dates and details to remember for the upcoming holiday season.
Halloween - The Studio will still be open for lessons on Halloween, Tuesday October 31st.
Thanksgiving Break - Our Thanksgiving Break will be Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday, November 23-24. Saturday, November 25 will not be open for make-up lessons.
Christmas Recital - Our Christmas Recital is scheduled for Saturday, December 2nd at 2pm. This Saturday will not be open for make-up lessons.
Christmas/New Years Break - Our weeks to observe both Christmas and New Years Eve will be from December 18th - January 1st. Lessons will resume on Tuesday, January 2nd.
Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.
Elisha G. Rose